Topolveni 2024
Between July 28 and August 2, the annual training camp of the independent Romanian club XC Romania was held at Topolveni Airport – Romania.

On the Bulgarian side, 3 pilots from the Skynomad – Avium club took part in the camp – Samuil Kazakov, Nikolay Stoyanov and Ivelin Kalushkov, and the main towing pilot was Petar Georgiev from the Ludogorie – SkyLark club.

Topolveni is a small town located near the city of Pitesti in central-southern Romania at the foot of the southern slopes of the Central Carpathians.
The location offers primarily flatland flying in the North-Danubian plains and is characterized by relatively strong and dry conditions at this time of year.

Due to the sprawling southern slopes of the Carpathians in this part of the mountain range, mountain flying is rare due to the lack of suitable out-landing sites. Flights are mainly carried out to the South and West, due to the limited airspace from Bucharest Airport to the East.

During the camp period, 5 flying days were carried out.
2 of the days were free distance tasks and the results were counted based on the greatest distance flown on the OLC.
1 of the days was marked by strong winds and unfortunately very few of the participants were able to take off.
The last 2 flying days competitive tasks were flown of increasing difficulty, which were further complicated by the overheating weather conditions.
Despite the cloudless days, flying in the area is characterized by a relatively high base and strong thermals with well-formed convergent lines.
The local airport offers the option of towing or winching as the width of the runway comfortably accommodated all 15 participants and had the potential to expand capacity even further. The airport offers numerous facilities for camping or accommodation in the local town.
The Bulgarian team coped well with the given tasks and managed to place 3rd in the improvised competition 🙂

We look forward to the next edition of the competition in 2025 when the competition is expected to be officially registered with the FAI.
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